IB Board

The current IB board consists of:

  • Prof.dr. J.B. Helms (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, program director)
  • Prof.dr. Antoinette Killian (Faulty of Science, chair)
  • Prof.dr. Judith Klumperman (UMCU/School of Medicine)
  • Dr. Corette Wieringa (Faculty of Science)
  • Msc. R. Buijs (Faculty of Science, representative PhD candidates)
  • Dr. E.de Graaff (Faculty of Science, coordinator)
  • Dr. L.M. Will (Faculty of Science, coordinator)



Scientific Advisory Board of the IB:

  • Prof.dr. Dennis E. Vance, Department of Biochemistry, 328 Heritage Medical Res. Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2S2, Canada, dennis.vance@ualberta.ca
  • Prof.dr. J. Seelig, Biozentrum Basel, Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie, Klingelbergstasse 70, 4056 BASEL, Switzerland, joachim.seelig@unibas.ch
  • Prof.dr. Kai Simons, MPI, Pfotenhauerstrasse 108, 01307 DRESDEN, Germany, simons@mpi-cbg.de
  • Prof.dr. Steven A. Krilis, Department of Immunology, Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 2 South Street, Sydney NSW 2217, Australia, s.krilis@unsw.edu.au
  • Dr. Matthew Harris, FEI Company, EINDHOVEN, Netherlands