AIO Evenings 2008
14-02-2008 All Themes
- Virginie Roussel (Science – Dept. of Biology Molecular Microbiology):
Channel properties of autotransporter translocator domains
- Patricia Verhulst (Science – Dept. of Chemistry Membrane Biochemistry & Biophysics):
Caco-2 cells deficient in ATP8B1/FIC1 display apical plasma membrane aberrations unrelated to flippase activity
- Cveta Tomova (Science – Dept. of Biology Biomolecular Imaging):
Apicoplast- the chloroplast in the Apicomplexan (Plasmodium and Toxoplasma)
- Magdalena Sedek (Medicine – UMCU Cell Biology):
GHR endocytosis – study of complexes
20-03-2008 Membrane Proteins & Vascular Membrane Biology
- Elsa Berends (Science – Dept. of Biology Molecular Microbiology):
MycoPharming: glycoengineering in mushroom
- Jacob Gubbens (Science – Dept. of Chemistry Membrane Biochemistry & Biophysics):
Photocross-linking and click chemistry enable the specific detection of proteins interacting with phospholipids at the membrane interface
17-04-2008 All Themes
- Hezder van Nispen-tot-Pannerden (Medicine – UMCU Cell Biology):
EM tomography of MHC class II containing compartments in maturing dendritic cells
- Tobias Nespital (Medicine – UMCU Cell Biology):
Characterization of the binding specificity of Jak2 to the Growth hormone Receptor
- Aniek van der Vaart (Medicine – UMCU Cell Biology):
Autophagy and Golgi functions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Eric Hofman (Science – Dept. of Biology Biomolecular Imaging):
Plasma membrane organisation during EGF receptor activation
22-05-2008 Biogenesis, Translocation and Sorting
- Martijn Langereis (Science – Dept. of Chemistry Cellular Protein Chemistry – Veterinary Medicine Infectious Diseases and Immunology):
Structure of coronavirus hemagglutinin-esterase offers insight into corona- and influenza virus evolution
- Arend van Peer (Science – Dept. of Biology Molecular Microbiology):
Composition and function of the Septal Pore Cap (SPC) of Schizophyllum commune
- Marne Hagemeijer (Science – Dept. of Chemistry Cellular Protein Chemistry – Veterinary Medicine Infectious Diseases and Immunology):
Coronavirus nonstructural protein interactions
- Ana Vacaru-Hentes (Science – Dept. of Chemistry Membrane Biochemistry & Biophysics):
An ER-resident ceramide sensor involved in early secretory pathway organization
16-10-2008 All Themes
- Edo Elstak (Medicine – UMCU Cell Biology):
Mechanisms of regulated secretion from secretory lysosomes
- Cedric De Smet (Science – Dept. of Chemistry Membrane Biochemistry & Biophysics):
The rise and fall of phosphatidylcholine molecular species
- Robin Ohm (Science – Dept. of Biology Molecular Microbiology):
Genetic regulation of mushroom formation
13-11-2008 All Themes
- Vincent Krouwer (Science – Dept. of Biology Biomolecular Imaging):
Cutting the Golgi ribbon – A novel role for cPLA2α in mitotic progression?
- Maria Noutsou (Medicine – UMCU Cell Biology):
Structural and functional analysis of GSK3β and β-catenin binding domain of Axin1 and its cancer related mutations
- Zeinab Anvarian (Medicine – UMCU Cell Biology):
11-12-2008 All Themes
- Hanka Hennrich (Science – Dept. of Chemistry Membrane Biochemistry & Biophysics):
‘The flip side of ion transport: Molecular dissection of a lipid pump’
- Maarten de Geest (Science – Dept. of Biology Cell Biology):
The influence of gravity on cellular architecture and dynamics
- Emma Martinez (Medicine – UMCU Cell Biology):
Molecular mechanisms regulating endosome recycling